Universal Mentors Association

25 Fun and Easy Nature Crafts and Activities


Some days, you simply have to put the books aside and head outside. These nature crafts are the perfect accompaniment to a stroll in the great outdoors. Pick up the items you need, then make some amazing crafts for play or display!

1. Assemble a one-of-a-kind tree

Nature Crafts

Grab the free printable template at the link, then gather items on a nature walk to create unique trees like no one has ever seen before!

Learn more: Raising Hooks

2. Turn maple seeds into dragonflies

dragonflies made from painted maple seeds

Even adults will want to get in on nature crafts like this one. Paint the maple seeds or leave them as they are to create these lovely little dragonflies.

Learn more: Buggy and Buddy

3. Display a bouquet of pine cone roses

Nature Crafts

Pine cones are pretty on their own, but this colorful project makes them even prettier to look at!

Learn more: Creative Green Living

4. Light up nature luminaries

nature luminaries

Use clear contact paper to make these simple luminaries, perfect for a summer evening picnic.

Learn more: Kids Craft Room

5. Press flowers and leaves to make bookmarks

Nature Crafts

This is one of those nature crafts that makes a perfect gift. Learn how to make them at the link.

Learn more: Buggy and Buddy

6. Wear colorful marble acorn necklaces

necklace made from marble acorn

How cool are these? Glue colorful marbles (bake them in the oven first to get the crackled appearance) to real acorn tops to make the most incredible necklaces.

Learn more: Rhythms of Play

7. Weave with natural objects

Nature Crafts

This nature craft gives kids some excellent fine motor skills practice, with cool results they’ll love to display.

Learn more: DIY Thought

8. Put together bark owls

Tree bark shaped like an owl

You’re going to want to make a whole flock of these happy little bark owls! Use them for fall decor or turn them into holiday ornaments.

Learn more: Fireflies & Mud Pies

9. Test your memory

Nature Crafts

Take a nature walk and gather two of every item. Then place them into small boxes with lids, and play a game of memory. So fun!

Learn more: Rhythms of Play

10. Play a game of tic-tac-toe with rocks

Tic tac toe played with rocks

Take this beloved game outside when you make a board and playing pieces with items found in nature.

Learn more: Run Wild My Child

11. Paint a portrait with leaves and flowers

Nature Crafts

We love the creativity this nature craft encourages. Kids can make their own portraits, or try to capture someone they know and love.

Learn more: Adventure in a Box

12. Spin some nature pinwheels

Nature Crafts

Grab some big leaves and turn them into clever little pinwheels. Learn how it’s done at the link.

Learn more: Mother Natured

13. Make your own natural paintbrushes

paintbrushes made from natural materials

Turn items like pine needles and grasses into paintbrushes you can use to create other cool nature crafts. These are so much fun to experiment with.

Learn more: Apple Green Cottage

14. Hang pretty nature suncatchers

Nature Crafts

Let the sun shine through your collection of leaves and flowers, all displayed in mason jar rings. Hit the link to find out how to make your own.

Learn more: Hand On As We Grow

15. Spell your name with yarn-wrapped twigs

The letter M made from yarn-wrapped twigs

What a fun way to practice your ABCs! Wrap yarn around twigs to create a whole alphabet of letters.

Learn more: A Few Good Things

16. Imprint clay with items from nature

Nature Crafts

Press leaves, flowers, twigs, and more into clay to make intricate impressions. When the clay is dry, paint them for a finishing touch. This is another one of those nature crafts that makes a great gift.

Learn more: My Bright Ideas

17. Dress up in a nature bracelet

Hand with flower bracelet wrapped around it

Some of the best nature crafts are so easy: Simply make a bracelet of masking tape, sticky side facing out. Then, stick flowers, leaves, berries, and more to it to make a stunning nature bracelet.

Learn more: Craft, Learn & Play

18. Print with leaves on rocks

Nature Crafts

Here’s another simple nature craft with cool results. Press leaves into paint, then use them to stamp impressions on flat rocks.

Learn more: Projects With Kids

19. Crown yourself the queen or king of nature

nature crafts

These nature crowns are perfect for imaginative play. Kids will love wearing them to rule the Tree Kingdom or Creekside Empire.

Learn more: Small Hands in the Big World

20. Play with stick fairies

Stick with leaves wrapped on it to resemble a butterfly

How cute are these? Make a whole family of stick fairies and put on a puppet show about all their adventures.

Learn more: Mother Natured

21. Build fairy houses from rocks

fairy house made from rocks

Speaking of fairies, those little sprites are going to need a place to live! These adorable little houses will look terrific when scattered around the garden.

Learn more: Rhythms of Play

22. Display flowers in a twig vase

Tin can repurposed to be a plant holder

Give a tin can a makeover with this simple nature craft. Just glue twigs around the can to make a unique vase.

Learn more: Instrupix

23. Craft pine cone hedgehog friends

Nature Crafts

These colorful hedgies are fun for play or display. Kids will want to make an array!

Learn more: Parents.com

24. Find big leaves to make prints

Big leaves with prints on them

Head outside and grab the biggest leaves you can find. Then, add a variety of paints to create brilliant multi-hued leaf prints.

Learn more: Kleas

25. Turn leaves into masks

Kids wearing masks made from leaves

Here’s another use for big leaves: Turn them into the coolest masks! Press and dry them, cut out eye holes, then paint in the details. Awesome!

Learn more: Babyccino

Love spending time outside? Check out this big list of outdoor science activities and experiments.


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