Universal Mentors Association

E9017.08. Global LMS For Nonprofits: XX Tips To Use Nonprofit Software To Localize Training For Every Team Member


6 Ways To Use A Global LMS For Nonprofits

In the nonprofit space, localization begins with communication, but it also stretches into other factors. Your organization’s staff, especially those from overseas, need to understand the mores of their host community. Remember, a polite gesture across the ocean might not quite translate the same. And that doesn’t even count the basics, like where to live, how to get around, or adjusting to local pricing. Can an LMS really help? Yes, it can. Here’s how to use LMS for nonprofits to train your diverse NGO audience.

How To Make The Most Of Your Nonprofit Platform

1. Invest In Multilingual Features

Start with the basics. You want an option to read, type, or review content in the local language. Don’t just opt for translation software—it often misses nuance and context. Ideally, have your content uploaded in the primary language (e.g. English). Then get an expert to professionally translate the site. This may include subtitles for videos. If you can, opt for local voice-overs or even local reshoots of the video. It will connect better with your targets and capture your host region’s subtleties. This may include things like body language and intonation. A great feature to look for in your new nonprofit LMS is the ability to deploy different instances of the platform. That way, contributors and volunteers get resources that not only align with their regional goals and policies but in their native language.

2. Give Them Mobile Access

Not all NGOs are involved with food and literacy programs. Some deal with scientific research or environmental policy. Either way, their work often involves traveling to remote areas. Their base may be urban, but they’ll frequently attend to beneficiaries in sparsely populated spaces. These sites may not always have power, water, or other amenities, but they frequently have smartphone signals, even if they’re spotty. So, make sure your nonprofit software is compatible with mobile devices. These include solar-powered tablets, phones, and laptops. They’re generally designed with basic hardware to ensure the battery lasts longer. However, taking out some of their more “fancy” features may leave them inaccessible to your LMS. Test to verify that no on-the-go users are left out of your NGO training strategy.

3. Create Personalized Plans

Nonprofits are arguably the most diverse institutions around. Their participants range from the idealistic Ph.D. holder who came up with the idea to the educated local youth who serves as a translator to teenage volunteers from private schools overseas. Your LMS needs to cater to each one. Ensure your LMS contains multiple levels of personalization. It’s not just about avatars and backgrounds. LMS users need the space to tailor their user language, media content preferences, and even the subjects they’ll study.

4. Enable Νotifications In Your LMS For Nonprofits

Global platforms don’t just mean multiple languages; they also mean multiple time zones. There will be times when team members need to connect in real time. It can be tricky to coordinate this, so check that your LMS has a convenient tool to send reminders. That way, when you finally do synchronize your schedules, it won’t slip anyone’s mind. It can also be helpful to integrate social media as it can be the most convenient way to communicate with distant clients and partners. So, ensure your LMS can link up to Facebook, instant messaging, and other social networking platforms.

5. Make Ιt Α Τeam Εffort

The key to personalization is getting your team involved in every step of the project, even at the LMS selection stage. Survey and poll your volunteers and employees to determine which nonprofit software accommodates their personal preferences and training expectations. Then ask them to take part in the test drive so that they can give their feedback. For example, they may feel that the multilingual features are lacking or that there isn’t enough portal customization. You can also use their guidance when creating targeted content for your NGO training course, such as developing support resources that bridge relevant knowledge gaps without offending their cultural beliefs.

6. Progress Report Templates

The most frustrating part of any job is documentation; it’s as tedious as it is crucial. And in the nonprofit space, these reports can influence everything from volunteer visas to fund drives. You could easily find yourself writing 15 reports a day. Make your life easier by investing in LMS with automated reporting features. There should be basic templates, but the LMS should also have an easy way to tailor them. Ideally, a checkbox or drag-and-drop function that lets you include or omit relevant fields. Then generate and email (or print) what you need. A scanning functionality is useful (for their government compliance documents), and a visual editor for touch-ups.


Whenever we talk about global tech, the emphasis is on how much it has eased international collaboration. In the nonprofit sector, we’re looking at it from the opposite angle. We already know how to globalize; now, we want to localize. To blend your multinational aid agency into something the locals can meaningfully connect with. Facilitate this by ensuring your LMS for nonprofits has multilingual functionality, mobile access, and personalization options. It should also have notifications that can be disseminated en masse and automated reporting tools.

Choose the best LMS for nonprofits that personalize training without going over budget. Our guide can help you select the perfect platform for your global team. You can also use our online directory to start vetting vendors and creating a list of top choices. It even features reviews and ratings backed by experienced users.


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