Universal Mentors Association

Engaging Activities to Extend STEM Learning 


Dr. Robert Corbin was an evangelist for STEM instruction and was one of the most highly sought after speakers on STEM education in the world. He often expressed gratitude for the opportunities Discovery Education afforded him to positively impact education, and he will be greatly missed. In the words of his colleague, Discovery Education’s Senior Director of Teaching & Learning, Brad Fountain:

“My friend, Dr. Robert Corbin, is missed by everyone who knew him from his students, colleagues, family, and friends. Robert was an incredibly caring, thoughtful, and passionate person who made everyone around him better. His plenitudinous vocabulary sent many of us scurrying to the internet to look up words after every conversation and I know he enjoyed generating that reaction. He would talk to anyone about virtually anything and make you feel comfortable and welcome. I know that in spite of his passing those who knew Robert are feeling his challenge to be a better person today than we were yesterday. Robert, you are and will be missed every day!” – Brad Fountain


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