Universal Mentors Association

Florida Democrats question suspension of search for Florida Atlantic president


Florida Atlantic University thought its presidential search was near the finish line, when three finalists were named. But The Tallahassee Democrat reported that the search was suspended.

State University System Chancellor Ray Rodrigues order the search suspension, citing “concerning information” and “anomalies” in a letter to the FAU trustee board chair.

But Democrats charge that the real reason for the suspension is that State Rep. Randy Fine wasn’t one of the finalists. Fine is an ally of Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican.

“DeSantis ally Randy Fine did not make the final selection for FAU president so now DeSantis appointed Board of Governors who oversee the State University System are freezing the entire search process,” State Rep. Ana Eskamani, a Democrat, wrote while tweeting the letter. “FAU is being targeted for purely political reasons. It’s gross and an insult to academic freedom and integrity.”


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