Universal Mentors Association

How To Create An Engaging Video Training Program In 8 Easy Steps


Building A Successful Video-Based Training Course For Your Organization

Employee training has come a long way from day-long seminars and endless slide presentations. In this modern era of business, employees use technology every step of the way and work from multiple locations. For this reason, businesses have turned to captivating and snappy learning techniques, such as training videos that concentrate tons of information in a few seconds. However, the effectiveness of a corporate video training course heavily depends on how well you plan it. In this article, we walk you through 8 steps that guarantee the development of an engaging video training program that your employees will love.

8 Tips To Create An Engaging Video Training Program

1. Determine Your KPIs

The first step when developing any training course is identifying what you want to achieve. Is it to train your employees on using new software? Or to help them practice certain soft skills? Take the time to complete this step before designing your course, as these goals will accompany you throughout the training process. The objectives that you set will also determine other important factors, such as your intended audience and the video type that is most suitable for it. For example, if you want to address a safety issue, an explainer video playing out a scenario will be much more effective than a lecture video that lists the dangers.

2. Develop A Script And Stick To It

There is a lot you have to fit into a few-minute-long video if you want it to convey a message successfully. To make sure you’re including all essential information and keeping it as concise as possible, you have to develop a storyboard and script. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, either. A set of simply drawn images and a bulleted list of the things you want to say can act as your guide throughout the development process so that the end result encapsulates your vision. Scripts can also save you time because they allow you to perfect all details before you start recording.

3. Use Characters To Form A Connection With Learners

The reason why videos make for such an engaging training method is that learners can easily relate to them and extract the necessary messages. Although visual effects, lively colors, and voice-overs play an important part in that, what really draws learners in is the protagonists of the story. Whether it is a quirky animation or a coworker they recognize, these characters give learners something to connect to and put themselves in their shoes. Unlike a block of text that will simply describe a situation, a character will act it out and get the message across quickly and effortlessly.

4. Record Your Training Video

Now that you have completed all the necessary planning, it’s time to record your training video. Depending on the video type you have chosen, this process will either consist of a screen recording or actually stepping in front of a camera and creating the content you need. In the first case, all you have to do is turn off the notifications on your computer and use a screen capture program. Edit out any redundant steps or interruptions, add a voice-over describing what you’re doing, and that’s it. You have just created your first training video.

However, if your training objectives require a lecture video or the recording of a live-action scenario, there are more things you need to consider. For one, you must find your “stars,” but most importantly, you need the right equipment. Training videos range from homemade productions to cinematic masterpieces. If you’re new to this, start small and keep in mind that a tripod, an advanced smartphone, a microphone, and a simple background are more than enough to create a quality training video that will accomplish your training goals.

5. Promote Your Brand Through The Video

It’s crucial to remember that any training material you produce is a direct reflection of your company’s image and a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship with learners. Therefore, another way to ensure that your video training program is engaging is to include in your training content your company’s logos and colors or any other identifying elements. Moreover, if your company represents certain values, your training videos must depict and promote them. This way, not only will you be able to create a cohesive training style, but you will also have a sense of trust surrounding your training courses.

6. Share The Video With Your Audience

Making a high-quality training video is hardly the end of your responsibilities, as you need to consider how you will get it to your employees. There are various video-hosting options nowadays, from free video-sharing platforms to social media. Yet many businesses opt for internal video libraries that provide more privacy while allowing you to save, categorize, and share videos among employees. Whatever you choose, focus on making the platform easy to access and use for employees. Nothing will discourage them from completing a course faster than a system that they struggle to log in to.

7. Support Training Videos With Additional Resources

There is no doubt that video is a very powerful tool for training employees on pretty much any skill. Still, you shouldn’t view it as an all-encompassing solution. To guarantee quality training for your employees, you will have to support videos with other resources too. These could include text-based online courses, quizzes, or even serious games for skill enhancement. This way, you can reinforce and enrich the information training videos convey, as well as give employees alternatives for when they are not able to watch videos.

8. Leverage Video Analytics

If you have followed the previous steps, it’s almost certain that you have succeeded in developing a truly engaging video training program. But having the data to back up your success is necessary for your shareholders as well as the continuous improvement of the training course. Utilize the analytics regarding the goals you set on the first step and take a deep dive into how much learners engaged with videos, which were most successful, what the impact was on their competencies, and many more. These valuable insights will help you make informed adjustments to your video training program and boost its effectiveness.


In recent years, it has been proven that videos are one of the most effective training tools, allowing learners to access and absorb information faster than ever before. However, putting together an efficient and engaging video training program is more easily said than done. Hopefully, the tips we shared in this article have helped you understand how you can reap the full benefits of video-based training and support your employees in reaching a new level of success.


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