Universal Mentors Association

Kentucky Supreme Court allows COVID-19 case to proceed


The Kentucky Supreme Court has sided with students, allowing their suit to proceed. They are seeking more than $200 million from the University of Kentucky over its COVID-19 policies, The Louisville Courier Journal reported.

The students want a portion of their spring 2020 tuition and fees refunded because the university did not offer classes in person at that time.

The university maintains that it did not have a contract with the students.

“In exchange for the payments of the tuition and fees, the students had a legitimate expectation to receive what they paid for,” the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled. The decision sends the case back to circuit court.

In a statement provided to the Courier Journal, a University of Kentucky spokesperson said the university’s actions during the pandemic “not only saved lives,” but also “followed the letter of the law.” He added, however, that the Supreme Court decision was limited. “The only issue here was whether immunity barred the students’ claim. It is not a decision on the merits.”


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