Universal Mentors Association

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114. Do You Have Any Intergenerational Friendships? 115. What Slang Words Do You Use?

116. What Are You Doing to Take Care of Your Health?

117. Have You Ever Written Fan Mail? If Not, Would You?

118. How Much Do You Share With Your Friends?

119. How Good Are You at Apologizing?

120. What Is It Like to Be a Teenager Now?

121. Could You Live an Entire Day Without Plastic?

122. Is Clutter a Problem in Your Life?

123. What Is Your Dream Travel Destination?

124. What’s Your Reaction to Prince Harry’s New Memoir and the Media Attention Around It?

125. What Are Your Predictions for 2023?

126. What Motivates You to Learn?

127. What Memorable Things Did You Learn in 2022?

128. Are You Optimistic About the State of the World?

129. How Much of Your Real Self Have You Revealed on Applications?

130. Have You Made Any New Year’s Resolutions?

131. What Are the Most Popular Dishes in Your House?

132. Have You and Others Been More Sick Than Usual Lately?

133. Do You Suffer From ‘Task Paralysis’?

134. What Magic Did You Believe In as a Child?

135. What Were the Best and Worst Things About 2022 for You?

136. What Role Do Libraries Play in Your Life?

137. What Would You Pick as Word of the Year?

138. How Do You Have Fun?

139. What Makes a Great Gift?

140. Do You Feel Joy at Others’ Success?

141. Do You Appreciate When Celebrities Share Their Struggles?

142. Do You Have Any Family Heirlooms?

143. Will You Be Watching the 2022 World Cup?

144. Do You Have Enough Access to Places Where You Can Play and Exercise?

145. How Do You Handle Boredom?

146. What Movies, Shows, Books, Music, Games or Other Works Have Made a Strong Impression on You?

147. What Foods Are Closely Linked to Someone You Love?

148. How Do You Make Hard Decisions?

149. Would You Make a Good Ump?

150. What Are the Little Rituals That Keep You Going?

151. What Are Your Memories of Halloween?

152. What Has Serena Williams Meant to Tennis, the Sports World and You?

The New York Times

Learning Network


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