Universal Mentors Association

Supreme Court justices’ campus visits and ethical issues


The Associated Press ran a story about Supreme Court justices’ appearances on campuses and how some of those events become fundraisers for institutions.

The conduct would be banned for lower court federal judges. The story details appearances by both conservative and liberal justices but highlights Justice Clarence Thomas. The article was based on open records requests to the colleges and universities.

When Thomas appeared at a 2017 program at McLennan Community College in Texas, his hosts worked with the prominent conservative lawyer Ken Starr to create a guest list for a dinner at the home of a wealthy Texas businessman, hoping an audience with Thomas would be a reward for college patrons and an inducement to prospective donors.

One email obtained by the AP, from Kim Patterson, the executive director of the McLennan Community College Foundation, said, “I had a few other thoughts about people who might be appropriate to invite to the Clarence Thomas dinner, mainly because they are wealthy conservative Catholics who would align with Clarence Thomas and who have not previously given.”

In some cases, the justices questioned the practices. Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected an invitation in 2012.

“No, the justice will not do a private dinner at a ‘club’ with Mr. Boas who is a donor of the Law School,” an aide wrote to the University of Hawaii, referring to Frank Boas, a longtime benefactor.


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