Universal Mentors Association

The State Of Employee Experience Report: Is It Time To Up Your L&D Game?


1 Out Of 3 New Hires Regret Joining A Company Because Of Bad Onboarding

Job insecurity, AI takeovers, and steep tech learning curves are just a few of the fears that employees must contend with. Unfortunately, many organizations aren’t doing enough to put their minds at ease and provide them with the support they need. In fact, many new hires are met with inadequate or downright disastrous onboarding experiences that make them second-guess their decision to join the company. Our Employee Experience Report reveals the surprising statistics behind training, internal communication, and onboarding processes.

eBook Release: The State Of Employee Experience 2023

eBook Release

The State Of Employee Experience 2023

Explore upcoming corporate culture trends and how employee experience can be improved via improving onboarding, training, and employee engagement.

Do Your Employees Have Room To Grow?

43% of respondents stated that their employer’s training was “outdated.” This is a telltale sign that some organizations aren’t prioritizing employee development and talent management. Every member of your team should have access to training resources and ongoing support to fill gaps and help them fulfill their potential. Many job seekers even take learning opportunities into consideration when weighing their options, which means that effective L&D programs help you attract and retain top talent.

About Our Employee Experience Report

Is the mere thought of learning new technologies overwhelming your employees? Does your team feel like they’re quickly approaching burnout or that they’re disengaged from the workplace? Is your L&D program venturing into “check the box” territory? Here’s a sneak preview of what you’ll find in our survey report:

  • Poor Training And Bad Onboarding Experiences: Our Shocking Findings
  • Onboarding In The Spotlight: Tips to Stop Losing A-players
  • Employees Want To Train On Better Terms: How To Escape “Check The Box” L&D
  • Poor Communication Between Managers And Employees Has A Negative Effect On The Workplace
  • Inefficient And Unengaging Training Makes Employees Seek External Resources
  • Our Top Recommendations

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Download The State Of Employee Experience 2023 today to delve into our findings and discover top tips to fuel employee growth and incorporate training into the flow of work.


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