Universal Mentors Association

This Free Meme Generator for Students Will Add Some Flair to Their Next Assignment


Have you ever had students create memes as part of a classroom assignment? They’re a great way to bring humor into the classroom and allow students to connect to topics in a relatable way. Connect to character relationships in ELA, poke harmless fun at historical figures, create math puns, and so much more. Laughter in the classroom can help strengthen student relationships and bring joy into your lessons. There are plenty of ways to encourage lightheartedness and laughter, and this meme generator for students is a great tool to help accomplish that.

Get the meme generator!

meme generator meme example

About Our Meme Generator:

  • You’ll receive a copy of the meme generator in your Google Drive, making sharing with students super easy.
  • Images are preselected to make sure everything used is school-appropriate!
  • Students simply choose the meme image they’d like, drag it onto the main screen, and add their caption.

Meme Generator Tips:

  • Our meme generator ensures that students are using approved and appropriate images. Once you get the template, feel free to add your own meme image options and share with your students.
  • It may be helpful to set guidelines on creating captions or have a quick conversation about keeping captions school-appropriate.
  • Check out these 7 creative ways to use memes in the classroom to spark some inspiration.

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