Universal Mentors Association

U of Iowa lists dorm on real estate website


The University of Iowa has listed Mayflower Hall, one of its residence halls, on Realtor.com.

Screenshot from Realtor.com

The University of Iowa has listed one of its residence halls on Realtor.com, a public real estate database normally used for individual and family units, for $45 million.

In the online listing, Mayflower Hall is described as a 326,000-square-foot “multi-family property” with a four-car garage and 523 furnished rooms in addition to communal lounges, meeting rooms and gyms. If purchased, it “will be delivered to the buyer vacant in the summer of 2024.”

UI announced it was selling Mayflower in February as part of a long-term effort to improve student housing options; once it is sold, the university plans to begin construction on a new residence hall.

Built in 1968, Mayflower is “the least-requested student dorm,” in part because of its distance from the rest of the Iowa City campus, according to a study conducted by the university. It has also been the site of some accidents, including a November 2022 incident in which a student fell out of a sixth-floor window and two separate evacuations in 2022 due to potential gas leaks.


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